
How to Enter

  1. Download and complete the entry form and waiver from the links below.
    1. Boat Sign-up Waiver Form
    2. Boat (Sail or Power) Entry Form
  2. Notify the Event Chairman of your intent to participate, you may email your waiver forms and entry forms at this time.  Pat Light –
  3. Attend the Skippers Meeting
  4. Pick up entry packet and entry numbers from the KHYC Lobby on either Thursday December 12th or Friday December 13th from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
    1. Bring completed Entry and Liability forms if not previously submitted
    2. Bring Entry fee if not paid online
      1. Make checks payable to the ‘Charitable Fund of KHYC’
    3. Entry fees are $40.00 for Power/Sailboats

Other Info

Skipper’s Meeting

Thursday, December 12th at 7PM

December 14th, Parade Day

  • Main boat parade starts at 5:30 pm
  • Trophy presentation @ 8:30 pm


Boat Parade Chairperson:
Pat Light / 310-594-8730 /